Behind the Scenes

DON´T WAKE ME UP / Short film

“Don’t wake me up” starts based on a personal event happened years ago when my father passed away. The script was developed with the idea that this personal event could become something universal. The specific details of that moment in my life, the dream world as the only place that allows us to make possible, the
impossible, and all the emotional charge that an early farewell implies, gives the film a real authenticity.

Homestead Fl. United States

I have always compared illness to an accident, and although the illness of a
relative must be something horrible, it also allows the family and the person to
say goodbye. On the other hand, an accident is tougher. The person who you love in one second is not more with you, you missed the opportunities to express him all your feelings, thoughts and emotions. Use dreams as the ethereal limbo for that farewell I think has a huge impact on the audience. It makes us think about our behavior with our lovers in life.

It is important to tell these kinds of stories because it makes us reflect on the fragility of life. Sometimes we find ourselves with the daily problems and we put aside what really matters to us.

Log Line

A story about missed opportunities when a father and a son struggle to connect until an unfortunate tragic event reconnects their differences.

Trailer Short-film


Speeches from the Cast and part of the Crew